Great Martin Fowler said, ""An application is special because it has Dependency Injection is like saying a car is special because it has wheels.""
Even though Angular Services and its injection into a component, directive, or other service are the backbones of every Angular application, as a developer, we don't know all its capabilities and features. For example, most of us think ""Angular Services are Singleton,"" but are they singleton or can be reconfigured?
In this talk, you will learn With live coding, you will learn
1. Difference between providers and when to use the provideIn option
2. When to use useExisting and useFactory with a real project example
3. Services in lazy loaded modules using 'any.'
4. Using @self, @skip, and @optional
5. When to use viewProviders instead of Providers
This PPT-FREE talk is for any developers who write Angular code daily. After attending this talk, you will be confident to use Angular services like a pro.
Angular team, Google | USA
Angular team, Google | USA
Angular team, Google | USA
TLM of Aurora team, Google | USA
Principal UI Architect, Cisco | Canada
Front End Guild Manager, Next Insurance | Israel
Consultant and Author, | Austria
Trainer and consultant, | Austria
Developer Evangelist for Web and Cloud, UK
Tech Lead, Vizlib & Astrato | Poland
Senior Developer Advocate, Okta | USA
Senior Angular Developer, House of Angular | Poland
Lead FE Developer, BNY Mellon | EaaS Poland Team | Poland
Founder, | Israel
Founder & Developer, | Israel
Principal Angular Engineer, Lowgular | Poland
Lead Performance Engineer, Trainer & Consultant, | Austria
GDE, MVP, Software Developer, Pluralsight Author | USA
Teacher and Consultant, ngIndia | India
Tech Lead, SAP Spartacus core team & Divante | Poland
Senior Frontend Developer, BigPicture | Poland
Independent IT consultant @7N, owner of 13DSGN.COM, Poland
Trainer & Consultant, | Austria
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